Panorama path Fleiß

easy Family hikes · Naturpark Sölktäler

Tour characteristics
Distance: 6.74 km
Duration: 02:00 h
Ascent: 229 m
Descent: 229 m
Best time of year
The tour

This hike leads us on the shady side of the valley through often light sections, which gives a view of the high trail on the opposite side. When it's really hot, the dense spruce forest along the hike is guaranteed to cool you down.

Turn-by-turn directions

From the Almstüberl in Fleiß in the Great Sölktal, the hike begins in the direction of Stickeralm. Always follow the yellow hiking trail signs Panoramaweg Fleiß. At the 2nd bend, a section of the forest road leads to the forest road, follow this down the valley to the bend. Here there is the possibility of a shortcut via the Eder farmstead to the Ödwirt inn. If you follow the meadow path straight on, you will reach the Schwarzlechner homestead. The path leads over the Schwarzlechner bridge to the main road, where you walk along the sidewalk back to the starting point. 

Getting there

From the Ennstalstraße B320 turn off at Pruggern (from the west) or Espang (from the east) in the direction of the Sölktäler Nature Park.

From Stein a.d. Enns turn into the Großsölktal in the direction of Sölkpass. From here about 10 km to the Almstüberl in Fleiß.

The valley bus makes crossings in the Sölktäler Nature Park possible on weekdays. You can also arrive comfortably by train to Stein an der Enns and the Tälerbus will take you to your accommodation or the starting point of your hike. This bus runs on weekdays during the Styrian summer vacations. All information about the departure times can be found here.

Almstüberl in Fleiß
Almstüberl in Fleiß

Wetterumstürze, rascher Temperaturabfall, Gewitter, Wind, Nebel und Schneefelder sind objektive Gefahren und erfordern das richtige Verhalten unterwegs.  

GPS-Daten und Orientierungshilfen
Verfügbare GPS-Daten sind – wie auch Wanderkarten – nur eine Orientierungshilfe, da diese nie ein genaues Abbild oder den Detailreichtum eines Weges in der Wirklichkeit darstellen können. Gerade bei Gefahrenstellen muss deshalb am Ende immer anhand der Gegebenheiten vor Ort entschieden werden, ob und wie der weitere Wegverlauf aussieht. 

Im Notfall bitte folgende Notrufe wählen:
140 - für alpine Notfälle - österreichweit Nr.
112 - Euro Notruf GSM Notrufservice



Weather changes, rapid drops in temperature, thunderstorms, wind, fog and snow fields are objective dangers and require the right behavior on the trail. 

GPS data and orientation aids like hiking maps, available GPS data is only an orientation aid, as it can never provide an exact image or the level of detail of a route in reality. Particularly in the case of danger spots, it must therefore always be decided on the basis of the conditions on site whether and how the route should continue.

In an emergency, please dial the following emergency numbers: 140 - for alpine emergencies - Austria-wide no. 112 - Euro emergency call GSM emergency call service

A good backpack is helpful and for routes in alpine terrain a hood, gloves, a good jacket and trousers are part of the basic equipment. Good, waterproof shoes, sunglasses, sun protection and sufficient drinks are essential. A flashlight, maps, a knife and a small first aid kit are also essential.

Weather forecast

in the morning
at noon
in the evening
Mostly cloudy with sunny spells, rainshowers mainly in the afternoon and evening.
in the morning
at noon
in the evening
Unsettled weather throughout the day with showers now and then.
in the morning
at noon
in the evening
Unsettled with showers, but also sunny spells from the morning on.

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